Terms & Conditions 

1. Premise

The following premise is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of the service offered under the name HandsFree.

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms of Service”) identify the rules under which HandsFree (hereafter “HandsFree”) provides access to the website (www.gohandsfree.travel) and any HandsFree mobile application that allows users access to the services offered.

Please read these Terms of Service carefully before accepting them.

The use of the services offered by HandsFree involves the automatic acceptance by users of these Terms of Service that govern the use of the same and must be, necessarily and explicitly,

previously accepted.

HandsFree reserves the right to update and modify these Terms of Service over time by

changing the provisions on this page. In the event that the user does not accept the new conditions

of the service, he will be unable to use the same since they enter into force, unless otherwise accepted in the future.

The use of the personal data transmitted for the use of the service is governed by the HandsFree privacy policy.

2. General information

2.1. HandsFree is a service offered by the company under Italian law called HandsFree Travel, based in Via A. Ferrara 12, 00165 Rome, Italy.

2.2. HandsFree is the owner of the HandsFree registered trademark, its website and the application for the use of the service.

2.3. Any unauthorised use of the distinctive trademarks, logo, algorithm and related intellectual property by HandsFree will be prosecuted under the law.

2.4. HandsFree’s services may include important communications from HandsFree, such as, but not limited to, service communications and administrative messages. Such communications are considered an integral part of the HandsFree Services and the user may not refuse to receive such communications.

2.5. HandsFree may insert, unilaterally and without the need for prior authorisation by users,

communications for commercial purposes and insertion of advertising.

3. Description of services

3.1. HandsFree offers a so-called “handling (transport) baggage service on behalf of third parties during the stay”, that is, it manages the baggage on behalf of the user during the first or/and last day of stay in the city where the service is active, collecting the luggage directly at the place chosen by the customer and returning it to special baggage drop-off areas located near the airports covered by the service.

3.2. By booking the service from the web, the customer can select date, place (airport, hotel or eventual other listed pick-up places) for baggage collection by HandsFree employees and/or partners, in addition to the number and type of luggage.

Once all the steps have been completed, having verified the availability of the pick-up, having accepted these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and having made the payment authorisation, the reservation receipt and a unique Booking ID (sent with the confirmation e-mail) will be generated, through which to carry out all the operations connected to the requested service.

3.4. The pick-up will be the responsibility of the customer at the chosen HandsFree drop off point, located near the airport where the customer must/will want to go after baggage transportation from the selected Hotel.

4. Object of the deposit

4.1. The object of the transport and deposit is the baggage and/or any package that the customer intends to allocate to the HandsFree service, for which there are no transport prohibitions and in accordance with the provisions regarding the content allowed in them, as regulated in the following points of this agreement of terms and conditions of use.

4.2. The customer assumes all responsibility for the suitability for transport and compliance with the legal requirements of the objects entrusted to HandsFree for the service.

5. User status

5.1. By booking the HandsFree service, via web, the user expressly declares:

  • To be of age.
  • To have the capacity to act and to be able to conclude legally binding contracts.
  • To have read, understood and accepted the conditions set out in this agreement of terms and conditions of use of the service, as well as to have read, understood and accepted the conditions relating to privacy regulation and the processing of personal data, available at the page www.gohandsfree.travel/privacy-policy

6. Reservation

6.1. The customer indicates the date on which they intend to use the service, as well as the flight number and departure hour of the flight.

6.2. The customer indicates the drop-off location, be it at the airport or at the partner hotel.

6.3. In the case of a partner hotel, the customer must select the structure from the dropdown menu.

6.4. To proceed with the reservation of the service it is necessary to enter the data related to the number of bags to be entrusted to HandsFree.

7. Payment methods and fees

7.1. Once the procedures for booking the service have been completed, in order to finalise the purchase, it will be necessary to indicate a payment method among those provided (as an example and not limited to, payments can be made by credit card or at the deposit at the pick-up). In the case of payment by credit card, the customer must enter the card data (if not already entered previously) and indicate if he needs the invoice via mail. In the case of an invoice request, the customer must send via mail to support@gohandsfree.travel all the data necessary for the correct billing.

7.2. For the reservation to be confirmed it is mandatory to wait and verify the correct payment completion.

7.3. The service has the following rate (subject to changes so it is suggested to the client to check them every time on the website/ at the partner before booking): €12 per luggage

8. Baggage drop-off mode – Partner hotel

8.1. Once the entire booking process has been successfully made and the confirmation has been received by email, the customer leaves the luggage at reception/concierge by check-out time, showing the email confirmation receive by HandsFree, and must communicate that a HandsFree employee will pick-up the luggage showing the reservation confirmation.

9. Baggage drop-off mode – Non-partner accommodation user (business affiliated)

9.1. Once the entire booking procedure has been correctly completed and the confirmation has been received by email, the customer leaves the luggage at the partner hotel reception (at the time of check-out).

9.2. At drop-off the partner hotel staff have to apply on each luggage a security seal with on serial number printed twice and give to the customer the second printed serial number. The serial number given to the client must be shown at the pick-up at the airport for luggage recognition.

9.3. HandsFree highly suggest sending an image of the serial number to the following email bookings@gohandsfree.travel, so to show it in case it got lost.

10. Pick-up

10.1. The pick-up of the luggage takes place at the location specifically indicated in the email confirmation.

10.2. After the arrival of the luggage at the location, the pick-up can be completed in any moment, before the closing time of the collection point.

10.3. The customer must communicate its arrival at the pick-up point at least 5 minutes before his/her actual arrival, contacting client support at the phone number in the booking confirmation mail or via web chat.

10.4. The customer must go to the location for pick-up at least 3 hours before the scheduled departure time, to grant the right time of processing and evasion of the pick-up that takes place, however, in the shortest possible time and with an estimated duration of 10 minutes, except for unforeseen events not attributable to HandsFree.

10.5. HandsFree is never liable in the event of loss of flights or trains, goodwill, gain, market profits, reputation, customers, use, opportunity, nor in any case for any indirect, accidental damage or loss.

10.6. To complete the pick-up process, the customer, after showing the serial number/s related to his/her luggage, confirms that the luggage(s) has been returned by leaving the serial number to the HandsFree staff.

10.7. The pick-up of the luggage shall, in any event, free the location from any responsibility related to the state and the appropriateness of the same.

11. Conformity of baggage and status of the same

11.1. These scans by means of photographs, will also be useful to identify at the time of pick-up any damage that may result from the transport and transfer of the same and will be kept for 15 days, equal to the time necessary for the customer to be able to activate the complaint procedure for damages.

12. Transport and deposit contract at HandsFree depots

12.1. As far as is not expressly provided for in this Terms of Service contract, with regard to the deposit at HandsFree Service depots, the legal provisions of the Italian State and, specifically, the legislation relating to the contract for the transport and storage of goods apply exclusively.

12.2. The transport contract applies during the phase in which the entrusted luggage is transferred from the place of custody, until the place of storage at the partner HandsFree depots is reached.

12.3. The transport contract is finalized at the time of drop-off of the same by the customer to the pick-up agent and following the application of the security seal.

12.4. The deposit agreement applies when the luggage arrives at the partner HandsFree storage and is considered active until it is returned to the end customer.

12.5. The deposit contract ceases when the luggage is returned to the customer, which confirms the receipt, certifying the pick-up of the same.

13. Contents of luggage and warranties: Prohibited items

13.1. The customer warrants that the contents of the baggage he entrusts to the HandsFree service comply with the provisions of the following Terms of Service agreement and, specifically, HandsFree is not liable in the case of custody of baggage containing goods for which service is not permitted.

13.2. HandsFree is never allowed to be used in case of baggage containing:

  • Firearms, bombs, armaments, ammunition and parts thereof.
  • Explosives, fireworks and other articles of an incendiary or flammable nature.
  • Military articles.
  • Live plants and/or animals, including insects and pets.
  • Human corpses, organs or parts of the body, human or animal embryos, human remains cremated or exhumed.
  • Animal carcasses, dead or embalmed animals.
  • Perishable foodstuffs and food and beverages in need of refrigeration or other environmental control.
  • Pornographic and/or obscene material.
  • Money, including but not limited to cash and equivalents such as marketable securities, securities with a spin, bonds and letters of transfer of funds, coins and collector’s stamps.
  • Gold, jewelry, gems, diamonds, watches and precious goods in general or of particular value.
  • Hazardous waste.
  • Flammable liquids.
  • Drugs, drugs and psychotropic substances, including those for recreational or medical use.
  • Tobacco and tobacco products.
  • Fine objects of art, antiques, textiles and carpets.
  • Fragile objects, such as glass, bottles, etc.

13.3. HandsFree is never liable in the event of damage resulting from the transport of such prohibited goods and reserves the right to take legal action for damages that may result from non-compliance with the provisions regarding the contents of the prohibited baggage.

13.4. HandsFree is never liable and may not follow up on claims for damages for loss/theft/compromise or any other title concerning goods contained in the luggage for which the use of the service is not allowed.

13.5. The customer guarantees that the baggage and its contents are his own property, and the relative possession does not result from theft, embezzlement or violent abduction, by exonerating HandsFree from any civil and/or criminal liability deriving from the false declaration about the ownership and availability of the same.

14. Faculty of inspection

14.1. In the event of a well-founded suspicion that the baggage may contain unauthorised goods, at the unquestionable judgment of the operator, HandsFree reserves the right to carry out inspections to verify the contents.

14.2. In the case of inspection, the seal may be removed, unless the customer has been told of the inspection and the affixing of a new seal.

14.3. All inspection procedures will be videotaped, to guarantee the contents of the baggage, from the moment of opening of the seal until the moment of repositioning of the new seal.

14.4. The video recordings of the inspection will be viewed by the customer at the time of pick-up of the baggage, if the same expressly requests it, and they will be stored for the days needed for an eventual complaint. In the event of a complaint, these registrations will be used until it is fully defined.

14.5. In any case, inspections by law enforcement are allowed, without the possibility of any intervention by HandsFree, which is expressly exonerated by any problem and/or damage and/or consequence should result from it.

15. Customer obligations

15.1. The customer is committed to:

  • Not provide false indications and generalities.
  • Use the service only for own luggage, and related contents, and whose possession does not result from theft and /or embezzlement or violent abduction.
  • Strictly comply with the conditions of this writing of Terms of Service.
  • Properly pack the contents of the baggage in order to be protected against ordinary transport and storage risks.
  • Not rely on HandsFree in case the luggage suffers minimal damage/ wear (e.g. mild scratches) in relation to the ordinary risks of the transport and storage service.
  • Ensure that the contents of the baggage do not damage the other baggage carried and stored by HandsFree.
  • Comply with the provisions on the goods permitted in baggage referred to in point 14.
  • Respect scheduled drop-off and pick-up times.

16. HandsFree obligations

16.1. Obligation of custody. HandsFree undertakes to properly store the baggage in the various phases of the service, declaring itself responsible in accordance with the law, for the duration of the contract, acting diligently and carefully until the return of the same.

16.2. Obligation to transport. HandsFree involves transporting the luggage from the place of delivery to the pick-up location. HandsFree undertakes to carry the baggage correctly in the various phases of the service, declaring itself responsible in accordance with the law, for the duration of the contract, acting diligently and carefully until the return of the same.

16.3. Obligation to return. HandsFree undertakes, except accident or force majeure, to return the luggage entrusted to itself at the simple request of the customer, provided that it is notified within a reasonable period and in any case in compliance with the set pick-up time.

16.4. Obligation of the depositary and transport. HandsFree undertakes not to use the deposited and transported assets.

17. Stock for non-collection

17.1. In the event that the baggage entrusted by the customer is not picked-up on the chosen day, HandsFree will mark the baggage as “in stock”.

17.2. When the baggage goes into stock, the return times for the same are not guaranteed, with express derogation from what is established in point 11 – Pick-Up, which the customer accepts.

17.3. Upon closing the deposit where the customer had requested the pick-up, HandsFree will be authorised to charge the additional storage fee per day plus a penalty.

17.4. The maximum allowed stock is 7 days.

17.5. After 7 days, the baggage will be transferred to a different storage and the collection can take place only by appointment with HandsFree (to be scheduled by sending an email to support@gohandsfree.travel) in order to agree on the day and time of collection.

17.6. After 7 days, billing will no longer take place per day, but per week, with advance payment at the start of the first day of the new week, with the storage costs indicated in the previous points.

17.7. If the customer does not pay the increases due to the storage period, HandsFree will not be able to return the baggage entrusted, continuing to charge the storage costs.

17.8. After one month without the customer collecting the baggage, HandsFree is authorised to dispose of the baggage and its contents, with no possibility for the customer to recover the same and/or make any claim on the baggage and content.

18. Responsibility for damages arising from customers and/or users

18.1. If the customer or website user causes damage to HandsFree and/or other customers resulting from his conduct, or from his baggage and/or content, HandsFree will use the right to act against him for compensation for any direct and indirect damage.

19. Responsibility for damages arising from the service

19.1. HandsFree assumes no responsibility for damages to persons, animals and/or property arising from the use of the service.

19.2. “Damage”; is expressly understood any obvious alteration of the baggage such as to totally affect the usefulness and/or functionality of the same (for a purely indicative and not exhaustive reason, damage to a wheel such as to no longer make the luggage draggable, etc.), or any damage directly attributable to a clumsy and not attentive management of the baggage.

19.3. In case of damage and/or corruptions to the baggage correctly dropped-off to HandsFree (where correctly dropped-off it is specifically understood that the baggage and the contents of the same comply with the Terms and Conditions of use indicated therein), if the direct imputability to the supplier is demonstrated, he will be liable in proportion to the damage caused and the damage can be compensated, in the times and in the manner set out below.

20. Opening claims and damages

20.1. In the event that the customer do not find the luggage, he can report it to the HandsFree Support, indicating specifically the problem encountered.

20.2. Following the report, a complaint procedure will be opened with the assignment of a number of tickets to which to refer for the conduct of the complaint procedure.

20.3. HandsFree’s complaints service officers will verify all the information adduced and, if in the event that they find that the luggage is lost, they will contact the customer to start the procedures for compensation for the damage.

20.4. If the evidence in support of the request is insufficient to prove the existence and liability of the lost complained of, and if the correct documentary supplement is not provided, the procedure will be irrevocably closed.

21. Right of withdrawal

21.1. The customer who no longer intends to use the service once the reservation has been made, can withdraw free of charge from the service by cancelling it at no cost until 12 hours the day before the one provided for drop-off, contacting HandsFree Customer Service.

21.2. The customer can also take advantage of the right to withdraw within 12 hours prior the scheduled drop-off, however he will be charged the full cost of the agreed and accepted service.

22. Assistance

22.1. For any issues related to the service, the customer will be required to contact HandsFree Customer Support at the appropriate email address (support@gohandsfree.travel).

23. Early pick-up or drop-off

23.1. The customer is given the right to request urgent and/or advance pick-up and/or drop-off compared to the agreed and scheduled time, paying the surcharge for urgency equal to twice the cost of the service already paid and not before 13.30 o’clock.

23.2. To request early pick-up, the customer must contact HandsFree Customer support at the appropriate email address (support@gohandsfree.travel) and agree place and time for pick-up and the surcharge will be charged to the customer himself.

24. Access to the site

24.1. HandsFree strives to allow access to the website, round the clock.

24.2. HandsFree is not responsible in the event of unexpected events and/or changes and updates that temporarily interdict access to the site, or the app/ web-app, such as not to make them available.

24.3. Access to the site may be temporarily and/or permanently suspended and/or interrupted at any time, even without notice.

24.4. HandsFree does not guarantee for the transmission of data and information over the internet. Although HandsFree uses all legal measures to protect the information entered, it is not responsible and cannot guarantee for the security of the transmitted data.

24.5. The transmission of data is carried out in any case and the risk and danger of the user.

24.6. HandsFree reserves the right to add, modify and/or remove features or suspend and/or terminate the provision of the service altogether, whether temporarily or permanently.

24.7. In the event of a permanent interruption, HandsFree will take timely action in order to complete any commitments made with the user.

24.8. In the event that the user violates these terms and conditions of use, HandsFree reserves the right to suspend or close his account immediately and without notice.

24.9. HandsFree also reserves the unquestionable right to inhibit access to the site at any time and without prior notice, or to the app/ web-app, in full or limited to certain features, the accounts of users for whom payment irregularities have been detected, non-payment, attempted damages, repeated and continuous unfinished order attempts, cyberattacks or any other activity, explicit or implicit, that may cause direct or indirect damage to HandsFree, its members, components, collaborators, drivers, affiliates, or other users, to things and/or people.

25. Indemnity

25.1. The user undertakes to keep HandsFree (as well as any companies controlled or affiliated, its representatives, directors, agents, licensees, partners and employees) free of any obligation or liability, including any legal fees incurred to defend himself in court, that may arise in the event of damage caused to other users or third parties in connection with the violation of the terms of law or these Terms of service.

26. Exclusion from responsibility

26.1. HandsFree will not be liable under any circumstances if unforeseeable and unavoidable events occur, due to accident, force majeure or in case of fault, even serious, in transport and/or storage.

26.2. HandsFree will never be liable in the event of loss of flights or trains, goodwill, gain, profit, market, reputation, customer, use, opportunity, nor in any case for any indirect, accidental, special or consequential damage or loss determined, including, without limitation, cases of contractual termination, negligence, wilful misconduct or non- compliance.

26.3. HandsFree will never be liable for non-fulfilment of its obligations in the event of unforeseeable and avoidable circumstances, such as (but not limited to): natural events including earthquakes, cyclones, storms, flooding, fires, illnesses, fog, snow or frost; force majeure events included (with listing that is merely illustrative and not exhaustive) wars, incidents, terrorist acts, strikes, embargoes, local disputes or popular uprisings; national or local upheavals in land transport networks and mechanical problems with modes of transport or machinery; latent or intrinsic defects in the content of the consignment; third-party criminal acts such as theft, robbery and arson; acts or omissions attributable to the user or third parties; acts or omissions chargeable to a public official; shipping content consisting of items that are prohibited goods under the terms of law or this agreement, even if HandsFree has accepted transportation and/or storage by mistake.

27. User licence

27.1. The use of the website, web-app and app material for commercial purposes without obtaining express written permission from HandsFree is expressly prohibited.

27.2. The website, and the relative app/ web-app, may not be used and no part of it may be reproduced or stored on any other website nor may it be included in any system or service, public or private, for the electronic retrieval of information without the prior express written permission of HandsFree.

27.3. Rights not explicitly granted on this website and app/ web-app are reserved.

27.4. Users, however, cannot:

  • Copy, store, modify, change, prepare derivative works or alter in any way any of the content/services provided by HandsFree.
  • Use any robot, spider, site search/find application, or any other device, process or automatic means of accessing, recovering, scraping or indexing any portion of HandsFree or its contents.
  • Rent, fire or sub-fire HandsFree.
  • Defame, offend, harass, implement threatening practices, threaten or otherwise violate the rights (such as the right to privacy and advertising) of others.
  • Diffuse or publish illegal, obscene, illegitimate, defamatory or inappropriate content.

      28. Communications

      28.1. All HandsFree-related communications must be sent using the contact information indicated.

      28.2. The user agrees that communication with HandsFree takes place primarily electronically.

      28.3. The user is contacted through notifications, email, SMS or information is provided through the publication of warning posts on the Site. For contractual purposes, the user agrees to such electronic modes of communication and acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications provided electronically by HandsFree comply with the legal requirement of the written form.

      29. Copyright

      29.1. All HandsFree trademarks, figurative or nominative, and all other signs, trade names,

      service marks, word marks, trade names, illustrations, images, logos that appear regarding HandsFree are and remain the exclusive property of HandsFree or its licensees and are protected by applicable trademark laws and related international treaties.

      29.2. HandsFree’s services, which include any necessary software used in connection with them, contain proprietary and confidential information, protected by applicable intellectual and/or industrial property laws and other laws.

      29.3. Content included in advertisements or information presented to the user through HandsFree’s services may be protected by copyright, trademark, service marks, patents, or other intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

      29.4. Except as expressly permitted by applicable law or except where it is expressly authorised by HandsFree or its licensee (e.g. an advertiser), the user commits not to use, distribute, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, rent, see, publicly perform or publicly view HandsFree’s services and user content or software.

      30. Privacy and cookies

      30.1. For information on the use of personal data and cookies, users must refer to HandsFree’s Privacy Policy available at www.gohandsfree.travel/privacy-policy.

      30.2. In any case, the use of data will be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, and transparency and in particular:

      • The processing to which the data will be subjected will be carried out by HandsFree in accordance with current legislation exclusively for the purposes related to the execution of this contract.
      • The data will not be disseminated or transferred to third parties, but only communicated to HandsFree for the only sending, paper or electronic, of information material of a non- commercial nature. Such data may be exhibited only at the request of the authorised law authority.
      • The data controller is Francesco Guerrieri of HandsFree.
      • Each party declares and warrants that its procedures and activities carried out under this agreement will comply with the applicable rules on the protection of personal data and the application of the related security measures, exempting the other party from any liability in this regard.

        31. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

        31.1. HandsFree reserves the right to make changes to these Terms of Service at any time, giving notice to the user through its publication within HandsFree.

        31.2. The amendments made to these Conditions will be to the individual users applied ratione temporis; facts that occurred, the legal relationships concluded before the entry into force of the new Conditions of service, will be fully regulated by the previous version, always available on request.

        31.3. It is recommended that the user prints a copy of the Terms of Service for future consultation.

        31.4. If the user continues to use HandsFree after the changes are published, he must accept without reservation the new Terms.

        32. Nullity

        32.1. In the event that any of the clauses of these Terms of Service are not valid, lose their validity or become non-binding, the user will be obliged to continue to comply with all other clauses laid down herein. In that case, we shall replace this clause with a clause which is valid and binding, which has an effect as similar as possible to that replaced one and which the user undertakes to accept in accordance with the content and purposes of this regulation.

        33. Applicable law and competent court

        33.1. This contract is governed by Italian law.

        33.2. The parties expressly state that jurisdiction to decide in the event of an outbreak of a dispute is referred exclusively to the Court of Rome.

        Go hands Free - Luggage Transfer Service



        Via A. Ferrara 12
        00165 Roma

        ©2023 by HandsFree | All rights reserved